• il y a 15 ans
"Thousand Serena" decorated like anime's Thousand Sunny pirate ship

The Japanese car maker Nissan is streaming a 15-second anime commercial for its collaboration with the One Piece anime series. (In the linked page, select the "Serena x One Piece" icon on top, choose whether to have the volume muted, and then select the video icon.)

Nissan created a one-of-a-kind decorated vehicle (itasha) to celebrate the November 29, 2010 launch of the redesigned Nissan Serena minivan. The "Thousand Serena" itasha features many of the details from the anime's pirate ship Thousand Sunny, such as the (two-dimensional) lion figurehead on the hood, the skull-and-crossbones fore-mast sail's design on the roof, and the signature soldier-dock system on the sides.


