Students Campaign to Save Tigers in Southern India

  • 14 years ago
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More than two thousand students participate in a campaign to save tiger population in India Friday. The tiger population in the country has fallen to nearly 1,400 due to poaching and deforestation.

More than two thousand students rallied for the cause of saving tigers on Thursday in India's Coimbatore City.

Some of the demonstrators were dressed up in tiger outfits and attracted a lot of attention from the public.

[Priyanth, Rally Participant]:
"Today in our country, thousands of tigers are killed and the population of tigers has come down, there are only 1,400 tigers in our country, to save the tigers we are conducting this rally."

Demonstrators shouted slogans and carried placards, banners and Indian flags while rallying on city streets.

Organizers say getting the message out through students is the fastest way to create awareness among the public.

[Ajit Kumar Lal, Rally Organizer]:
"To create awareness on how to save the tigers as everyone knows in India especially there is dwindling population of tigers so we thought that creating awareness among the students, we will create lot of awareness among the public."

The students urged the government to provide safety measures to save tigers from poachers and to stop deforestation.

Students will also create a fund that will be used for the conservation of tigers in various forests in India.

Tiger populations have decreased in recent years as a result of poaching. Depletion of their habitat has also threatened the wild animals, forcing them to stray into human settlements.