Stunts and Rescue Operations Mark Indian Navy Celebrations

  • 14 years ago
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On Wednesday, the Indian Navy showcased some of its skills in a public display to mark Navy Week. Let's take a look.

Indian Navy officials put on a display of daring stunts in the state of Gujarat, marking celebrations for Navy Week.

They included performances like shooting, mock rescue operations with the help of helicopters, and shifting goods from one ship to another under emergency conditions.

Officials say they're ready to face any challenge.

[Captain Surendra Ahuja, Indian Navy]:
"Our job is not only related to war. Whenever some tragedy takes place or some humanitarian issue like the tsunami... our Indian Navy ships went to Indonesia. So our Indian Navy ships are used for other purposes other than just preparing for war. We also go and show our flag to other countries during peacetime. All ships go and exercise with other countries to improve relationships with other countries."

Members of the public also got a chance to see the ships up close and personal.