Online Cpa,Online Cpa,

  • 14 years ago
Online Cpa online cpa genius
Online Cpa Expert
One simple form of CPA offers is the "zip submit". As the name suggests, a visitor only needs to enter their zip code for you to make money. Rest assured that the company using this promotion has a way to earn money from the prospects zip code, but as with most CPA models you earn commission just for the visitors zip code. This kind of offer has very high conversion, but is typically much lower earnings, from 50 cents to a dollar. Having said that, if you can drive a lot of traffic to the offers, the small earnings per visitor can turn into big bucks with online cpa education
Online Cpa
That's where you come in: All the visitor needs to do is enter their e-mail address and you get paid. Like a zip-submit, the payouts can be a little low, but you can make up for that in volume.
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