North Korea Takes Center Stage with New Nuclear Plant

  • 14 years ago
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North Korea back in the nuclear spotlight.

American nuclear scientist Siegfried Hecker of Stanford University issued a report, Saturday, saying that he was shown a modern, small, industrial-scale uranium enrichment facility during a visit to North Korea this month.

Now U.S. envoy Stephen Bosworth is in Seoul, the first stop in a tour of the main regional powers this week. Bosworth will meet officials in Seoul on Monday, before traveling to Tokyo and Beijing. A foreign ministry official in Seoul says the North Korean enrichment facility would be raised during the visit.

The North says it wants to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes to use for its electricity needs.

It is difficult to verify any reports on the country's nuclear programs because international nuclear inspectors were expelled from the country some 18 months ago.

North Korea, which walked out on talks to disable its atomic arms program last year, has said it wants to return to the negotiating table.

Some analysts say the latest reports are most likely part of the North's time-honored strategy to gain leverage in negotiations during any aid-for-disarmament talks which have been stalled.