Heavy Downpours Destroy Crops in Aurangabad, India

  • 14 years ago
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Heavy rains have destroyed crops in India's Maharashtra state. Farmers say they're going to take a hard financial hit due to the crop damage.

Incessant rainfall has ruined crops here in Aurangabad district of India's Maharashtra state.

[Harishankar Prasad, Farmer]:
"We have lost our cotton, corn and many other crops. We are left with nothing. And the rain has still not stopped."

Maharashtra is India's biggest producer of kharif crop and the second-biggest producer of cotton and soybeans.

[Tula Ram, Farmer]:
"It has been raining hard here for the last 15 days which has damaged the cotton crop. Everybody is facing a huge loss."

India is basically an agriculture economy and about 600 million of the billion-plus population depends on agriculture for their livelihood.