Four charged with Sunningdale murder

  • 14 years ago

Police have charged four men with the murder of a 33-year-old man found dying in the back of a van.

Tom Johnston, 24, Ben Johnston, 26, Robert Johnston, 56, from Pampisford, Cambridge, and Shaun Matthews, 54, from Whittlesford, Cambridge, were charged with killing Shaleem Amar.

All four men remain in custody and will appear at Slough Magistrates' Court on Saturday.

Mr Amar, 33, of Hancocks Mount, Sunningdale, was married and had an eight-year-old son, and two daughters aged seven and three.

Thames Valley Police said a post-mortem examination showed he had died of head injuries.

Detectives have been searching the multi-million pound six-bedroom mansion Mr Amar and his family moved into two months ago.

The sprawling, modern property is reportedly worth more than £3 million.

Neighbours said it had been lying empty for years until Mr Amar started renting it. They described his lifestyle as "flash" and "desirable", saying he drove at least three different new Mercedes estate cars and dressed in "expensive-looking" suits.

One neighbour said: "I would see people coming and going at all hours from his house. They were all men, some Middle Eastern and some European-looking. They would show up in nice cars and only stay for ten minutes or so."

Mr Amar was found inside the van by officers when they pulled over the vehicle on Wednesday. Four men tried to escape from it, three of whom were quickly arrested. Officers had to use a helicopter to find and capture the fourth man.

Following the arrests officers searched the white Mercedes Sprinter and discovered a critically injured Mr Amar, who was "breathing shallowly". Paramedics tried to revive him but he was pronounced dead at the scene at around 2pm.
