Presentation of the book The Beloved of my Beloved in Fiuggi

  • 14 years ago
This is the video of the launch of the book The Beloved of my Beloved, by Ian Watson and Roberto Quaglia, during the SF Convention Eurocon / Italcon / Deepcon which was held in Fiuggi, Italy, in March 2009.
It is a politically uncorrect book, erotic and anti-erotic, surreal and funny, and this presentation makes it quite clear.
Several people from the audience partecipate to the discussion, including SF author Bruce Sterling.
00:10Welcome to the launch of the most important
00:14book in history of European literature
00:20but first... in Italian (però prima in italiano)
00:24because we are in Italy (perché siamo in Italia)
00:26welcome to the launch (Benvenuti al "lanciamiento")
00:32of a rich book in the history (di un libro ricco nella storia)
00:36of literature (della letteratura)
00:39written by two authors (scritto da due scrittori)
00:43of different mother language (di lingua madre differente)
00:48Roberto Quaglia... and me! (ed io!)
00:53Ian Watson!
00:58Roberto, do you remember (ti ricordi)
01:01when we conceived (quando concepimmo)
01:04the first short story (il primo racconto)
01:08of our book (del nostro libro)
01:10in Hungary (in Ungheria)
01:12in an empty and mysterious hotel (in un hotel vuoto e misterioso)
01:17when Darth Vader (quando Darth Vader)
01:19was late (fu in ritardo)
01:21for breakfast (per la prima colazione)
01:24and therefore we talked (e dunque parlammo)
01:26about virtual necrophilia (di necrofilia virtuale)
01:31could you traduce? (puoi tradurre?)
01:34into English? (in inglese?)
01:36All this happened as Ian Watson
01:40did not know any Italian word
01:43except a few
01:46.which language do you want (che lingua volete?)
01:48is there someone who doesn't understand Italian?
01:50(c'è qualcuno che non capisce l'italiano?)
01:52we should make a kind of Esperanto
01:54so that most people will not understand
01:57what we talk about
01:59I do not speak Italian
02:01Non posso parlare italiano
02:04but I pretend to speak Italian (faccio finta di parlare italiano)
02:08I also pretend, but since much more time
02:11(faccio finta, ma da molto più tempo)
02:13"Comunque è vero, abbiamo concepito questo libro..."
02:16IN ENGLISH! (in inglese!)
02:19for the strangers here (per gli stranieri qui)
02:24we have conceived this book in an empty hotel
02:27at the border between Czeck Republic and Hungary
02:30we were in Hungary
02:31the whole hotel was completely empty
02:34except us two and... Darth Vader
02:38of course it was not the real Darth Vader
02:41but it was indeed the real Darth Vader in the sense of
02:44the actor who was behind the mask
02:46and who nobody saw with his real face
02:50except us
02:51it was a terrible experience!
02:57ehm... yes...
03:00...and it was happening every morning
03:01because we were guests of the Hungarians at the Convention
03:05in Salgotarjan
03:07which is the ugliest town of Hungary...
03:11...the SECOND ugliest town of Hungary
03:13only the second?
03:14yes, yes, there is a more ugly town in Hungary
03:17why did they not do the convention there?
03:19they were frightened we would not stop at the red traffic lights
03:23when we went through it
03:25we were always going back to the hotel drunken
03:28I was driving and they were stopping us
03:30and we were afraid they would test our alcohol
03:34this is because to honour us
03:37they did not put us in Salgotarjan
03:41the town
03:42but in the empty hotel on the side of a mountain
03:46very near to the Slovach border
03:49so every night Roberto would drive back
03:53in his big white Mercedes
03:56and the guards would come out of the forest
03:58and would say: "What are you doing?"
04:01and then Roberto would speak
04:04while keeping his mouth shut
04:06so as not to allow the fumes of alcohol to escape
04:09and he would say:
04:11"We are science fiction writers..."
04:14"We go to sleep in the forest..."
04:18"...up the hill."
04:20when you were speaking I understood "THE GODS"
04:23and then I realised you were speaking about THE GUARDS
04:25but if they were THE GODS
04:26then I was thinking that we were drinking really good stuff
04:30to see the GODS talking to us
04:33actually the guards were stopping us every night
04:36and every night we escaped without damage
04:38the hotel was very strange
04:42in my room
04:43there was a television set
04:45but there was no electricity plug (presa)
04:51to put the electricity into the television
04:54so it was a room which
04:56pretended to be a hotel room
04:59this was the beginning of all
05:02an empty hotel in the forest
05:05with no guest except us
05:07AND Darth Vader
05:10a television which pretended to be a television
05:12because it couldn't possibly work there
05:14and this started to trigger our fantasies
05:17and then
05:18Darth Vader was late at breakfast
05:20My fantasies:
05:23(non mi piacerebbe di fare sesso con il cadavere di Darth Vader)
05:28I would not like to make sex with the corpse of Darth Vader
05:31is this how it all started?
05:34yes, yes, yes
05:36we were waiting for Darth Vader
05:38and we started to discuss about virtual necrophilia
05:41because, as you may know
05:43the future of cemeteries will be virtual cemeteries
05:48because they are more convenient than the physical ones
05:51then I said: let us write this story
05:56if you have a virtual cemetery
06:02actually you can mourn your beloved dead
06:08wherever in the world
06:09because it's there
06:11somebody dead is typically spiritual
06:13so you don't really need the symbol of their body
06:16which typically is a tomb
06:18you just need a symbol of them
06:20which can be on the screen of a computer
06:23wherever you are in the world
06:25you can have the same feeling of pain
06:28that you need
06:30so this was the beginning
06:32and then we started to imagine
06:34that they would start to blackmail you
06:36if you don't pay the rising fees
06:38for your virtual tomb
06:41yes, then somebody decided to publish this story
06:45in America.. and in Italy too
06:48so we thought: well, there must be a second story
06:52and by coincidence
06:54Roberto and I
06:55were in a car, belonging to him
06:58which was travelling from Budapest to Genova
07:02so we started to talk about The Penis of my Beloved
07:06which didn't belong actually to either of us
07:10but this was the second story
07:12which was then published in a Canadian...
07:14...erotica magazine
07:16and in fact became
07:19a part of "Best New Erotica"
07:23last year
07:24which is strange
07:25because not many people
07:28who seek for erotica excitement
07:30would necessarily become excited by this story
07:34I can hardly imagine somebody
07:35getting excited by this story at all
07:40the main character is a penis
07:40the main character is a penis
07:42the main character IS a penis
07:44without a body
07:47we will explain more about this after a while
07:50so gradually
07:51as we were compelled to meet
07:53in strange places such as
07:56Plovdiv, "Bucaresti"
07:58more stories gathered themselves
08:02we have a great debt to our Hungarian friend
08:06Péter Michaleczky
08:07because we were trying to leave "Bucaresti"
08:10to travel to Plovdiv
08:12when Péter came in and said
08:15"Il will have a shower"
08:17We know that the "doccia di Péter"..
08:20...the shower of Péter requires one hour
08:24so instead we went to the kitchen
08:26and we created a story called
08:28The Compost of My Beloved
08:31The funny thing is that
08:33some of the stories which have been published on several magazines
08:36have all had controversial reviews
08:39because nobody would say the stories are bad
08:42but they would say they are
08:44very interesting but very offensive
08:50how would you...
08:51transgressive, "trasgressivo"
08:54they didn't say transgressiv
08:55No, because they do not know the word
08:58ah, okay
08:59Roberto knows all of these words because
09:01he would write in Italian
09:04and then he would translate into English
09:07creating wonderful new
09:11surrealistic English words
09:14which generate the most fantastic ideas
09:19this is the power of creative mistakes
09:22mistakes are the real evolutive force of universe
09:27since every emerging property could be
09:29defined in a way as a mistake of a previous
09:32army of laws
09:34yes, there is a lot of philosophy in our book
09:38do not only read it
09:40for the pornographic content
09:44you will be VERY disappointed
09:49this is the only book ever written, I think
09:53by two Europeans with different mother tongues
10:00So it should receive an important award
10:05from the European Community, I think
10:09a prize of at least 10 million Euros
10:12because nobody has done this before
10:15after creating a complete book of such fiction
10:17after creating a complete book of such fictions
10:22I was inspired when I came down
10:25the autostrada (highway) of Italia
10:27I realised that in this book
10:31"siamo per sempre insieme"
10:34(we are forever together)
10:37I should explain
10:39that we are not homosexual
10:42Voice of Max Morando: "Not yet"
10:43"non siamo omosessuale"
10:45For this reason we discussed
10:47for 20 minutes
10:48whether we should buy it or not
10:50it might give the wrong impression
10:53if we appear in public
10:55with this badge upon our heads
10:57Now we will be discriminated
11:00because we are not homosexual
11:03a lot of the book is about political correctness
11:07and different methods of violating
11:09political correctness
11:12this is why in fact we have generated
11:15our advertising campaign
11:17also on the internet
11:19because it is interesting to see
11:22the reactions of people
11:23in - for example - England
11:25or in advanced cultures
11:28such as Italy
11:30when they see our propaganda campaign
11:32in fact our propaganda campaign
11:34is very decent and discrete
11:37now, interestingly
11:38if she was holding
11:40a bottle of perfume
11:42then she would be
11:45too much dressed to appear
11:48in Vogue Magazine
11:50but because she is holding a book
11:52people become very disturbed
11:55in their consciousness
11:57they become disturbed and however
12:00they can't turn their eyes away
12:02because on the other side
12:03words are written and you can read them
12:06however all the people
12:07look the publicity only from this side
12:10so as to be disturbed
12:13I wonder why
12:16this is a scientific experiment
12:19which we are carrying out here in Fiuggi
12:21with a sample of citizens
12:24of different countries of Europe
12:26and then we will carry it out in England
12:29at the Easter science fiction convention
12:32this is a VERY important experiment
12:35upon the perception of imagery
12:40and we require also
12:43at least ten million euros
12:45from the European Community
12:47for investigating something
12:49which has not yet been investigated
12:53we may continue to talk about the book
12:56for hours
12:58but maybe it should be better to...
13:00ask for questions
13:01ask for questions
13:02as different as they may be
13:04completely unrelated to the book
13:07or to sex or to whatever
13:09so that we
13:13don't reveal all the secrets of this book
13:17d'accordo, ci sono "domandas" in italiano o in inglese?
13:20(are there questions in Italian or English?)
13:24philosophical questions
13:26or not philosophical questions
13:28"domandas semanticas"
13:29(questions about semantics)
13:32grammatical questions
13:35Bruce Sterling:
13:37you gentlemen made an use of machine translation
13:39or it is all human kind?
13:41Oh, it is all human
13:43I'm not completely sure to be human
13:47but in the case I am
13:50it's all human, actually
13:51because the mistakes that machines create
13:56are not as creative as the ones
13:58that our unconscious does
14:01i suppose
14:02however this could be possible
14:03to make a google translation of our beloved stories
14:08NO, because one of the stories
14:10is about how google becomes
14:12a divinity
14:17all the secrets inside the book
14:21and let's hope that godoogle didn't hear us
14:25yes, another question
14:27Sterling: so what could you say
14:29working in languages
14:30other than English and Italian
14:32like languages you guys yourself speak
14:34that's a really good question
14:36and actually I didn't think about that
14:38but we should think about that
14:39In Romanian for example
14:41yeah, but...
14:42"vorbest numai putin romaneste"
14:44"numai putin"
14:45(you speak only little Romanian)
14:46"pentru aste vom trebuie sa..."
14:47"sa avem ce bea si ce fute"
14:50"absolut de acord"
14:51we will do it in Romanian next time
14:59it's an interesting issue because
15:01by writing in another language
15:03we can introduce more creative mistakes
15:07yes, yes
15:08there are so many false friends
15:10between Spanish and Italian
15:12Italian and Romanian
15:14English and Italian
15:15but we can write a book
15:17entitled "False Friends"
15:19which, by choosing the mistakes
15:22which people can make
15:23in normal speaking
15:25will create an entirely alternative universe
15:30also in Russian it would be interesting
15:32just for the lack of articles
15:39it would be probably more synthetic
15:45ah, we don't call them articles...
15:49you mean "THE"
15:51ah, "THE", like "THE
15:53no, we do not put underclothes to articles
15:55try to [unudible] temptation
15:58I have rescued Roberto
16:01for many years
16:03signing his books
16:05"with sympathy"
16:07no joke, no joke
16:10however in England
16:11this only means
16:13I am sorry your baby died
16:16or I am sorry that you have cancer
16:19so I took Roberto in England
16:22to a shop which sells
16:24cards, "cartoline"
16:25and put him in front
16:26of a section which says
16:31and then he say THE TRUTH
16:34and how he has for years
16:38the readers of his books
16:40ALL the readers of my books, actually
16:42because this was my standard dedication
16:44to the people I would know
16:46I think it was more than years
16:47it was decades
16:49decades, yes
16:50so now I write
16:53in books
16:56I don't write "SENZA SIMPATIA" though
17:01so this is the value
17:04of cross-cultural collaboration
17:09we prevent ourselves
17:11from making silly mistakes
17:13but we unable ourselves to make
17:16the creative mistakes
17:18well actually we do also the silly ones
17:22the process of the questions is very efficient
17:25next question!
17:33he looks like the same person
17:35he changed personality three times
17:39how much did they pay him?
17:43Sterling: forgive me if I dominate the questions
17:44but it's a keen interview
17:47we love that actually
17:48Sterling: do you have any methods
17:50for introducing mistakes deliberately
17:52like the surrealistic [unaudible] methods
17:56if you know them
17:57we use a lot of wine
18:02this helps
18:03helps, helps
18:04but very much
18:05In Romania we discovered a wine
18:07called "Red Paradox"
18:11it's a kind of Cabernet
18:12Roberto already wrote a book called
18:15Bread, Butter and Paradoxine
18:17"Pane, Burro e Paradossina"
18:22so by accident, a wine
18:25which encapsulates
18:27our vision of reality
18:33is.. very useful
18:35yes, absolutely
18:36this wine really exists
18:38I think this is probably
18:39the only wine in the world
18:41which is called
18:42Red Paradox
18:44I mean, who is so nuts to call a wine
18:48this must be either a science fiction fan
18:50or someone who doesn't know what it means
18:55because it's in English
18:57and it's in Romania
18:58mister Lally
18:59Lally: please ask Roberto why he shaved
19:02all his beard last night
19:05No, he does not have a beard
19:08upon the top of his head
19:10Lally, you must understand
19:13this is not the beard
19:15the beard is here
19:19except when people are upside down
19:22also other hair is gone
19:24but you won't see it
19:25oh, no
19:26well, he can pay money to see it
19:28I already made money by selling my wig
19:30Lally: this is important, we need to know
19:34a pervert in the audience
19:36another question from Bruce, please
19:39it is in order to conform
19:41with the photograph upon the cover
19:44so you are not confused
19:46and imagine that an impostor
19:49or clone
19:51of Quaglia is here
19:52actually it would have been too banal
19:54to have a different face
19:55than the one of the cover
19:58because people could have thought
19:59I did it on purpose
20:01to confuse them
20:02so I prefer to confuse them
20:03by not having a different face
20:05you have caused a lot of confusion
20:08I have confused myself
20:34I have, but I have amnesia
20:37creative amnesia
20:39I'm able to forget any book which I read
20:43but also
20:44any book which I write
20:47this is a problem when people
20:49ask me about a book I wrote 20 years ago
20:53because they think I will know
20:56what is in it
20:58I use book and stories in order to store
21:02information, memories and emotions
21:05externally to my brain
21:13I store some into Roberto
21:21he stores some in me
21:24nothing sexual
21:29"siamo per sempre insieme"
21:33"però no un sentido sessuale"
21:37something sexual
21:41mister Lally
21:44my hair... where is my hair?
21:47Lally: Roberto, he grows his beard out of the Eurocon
21:54I didn't understand...
21:55why did you grow your beard after the Eurocon?
22:01he can see the future
22:02I can only invoke an Irish proverb
22:07[non audible]
22:12Mister Lally, are you interested why
22:14did Ian Watson cut his moustache
22:17some years ago?
22:19Lally: Yes, yes!
22:20I was sure about that
22:22it is because the Spanish word for moustache
22:26is "bigote"
22:28and the English word for a person who
22:30cannot think freely is bigot
22:34so, this means that people with moustaches
22:36are possibly in danger of bigotry
22:41except those people in this room
22:48thank you Mister Lally for this very good question
22:56there was too much bread in my moustache
23:01Bruce Sterling: did you start collaborating
23:02by means other than verbal means
23:04like putting visual collages
23:08we often look into each others eyes
23:15sometimes through a bottle which enhaces the view
23:20because partially full, partially empty...
23:26actually I suppose that this also refers
23:28to what we see except our reciprocal eyes
23:31that means where we are
23:32and since we have been meeting
23:34in many countries in Europe
23:35and we generate different stories
23:39the visual environment has [unaudible]
23:41for example, when we were in Spain
23:43we have been to Batha
23:46a town where the people are happy once a year
23:49to meet all covered in oil
23:51and to run after one man
23:54who is dressed in white
23:55and they have to dirty him
23:57this is not olive oil
23:59this is dirty motor oil
24:02this was very visual
24:04and it actually led to one of our stories
24:07which is "My Beloved Cascamorras"
24:10"Cascamorras" is this man who is in white
24:12in the past he was probably even buggered
24:16if he was taken alive by the others
24:18yes, yes
24:20now it's only symbolical
24:26for this reason our story deals also with gay love
24:31in Danish harems
24:34in Morocco
24:35this is because Al Qaeda
24:37will use nuclear weapons upon Denmark
24:40because of the cartoons of the Prophet
24:43so therefore there must be a new place for
24:48the Danish citizens
24:52and we decided Morocco is a suitable place
24:55for them to live
24:57in gay harems
25:01you will realise why those are gay harems
25:05after you read the book
25:06I mean it all makes a sense
25:11perhaps if we had visited other places
25:13there would be slighly other stories
25:16slightly different
25:21I think that if we had been for example
25:25in Vatican City
25:27we would nevertheless have written about
25:30gay Danish harems in Morocco
25:33once you hear about the gay Danish harems in Morocco
25:37how can you think this does not exist?
25:45people agree
25:45Bruce Sterling: your logic is beautiful, I have to say
25:46Bruce Sterling: I believe you
25:50Bruce Sterling: your logic is irrefutable
25:52it's a beautiful logic
25:53they will build upon them large cruiseships
25:58because after oil becomes impossible
26:01what do you do with all these large cruiseships?
26:04you pull them into the desert of Morocco
26:07to be abitations for gay Danes
26:15that's obvious
26:18Mister Lally
26:21Dave Lally: I was...
26:21do you want to see my hair?
26:27Lally: Ian, you've just acknowledged to this convention
26:29that you have trimmed your moustaches
26:32are you going to allow it to grow up again?
26:35Ah, nooo
26:42for as long as Roberto has no moustache
26:46I will have no moustache
26:48how could we be
26:50"per sempre insieme"
27:05other questions to induce us in creative mistakes?
27:09it is your advantage to ask questions
27:13because otherwise
27:15we might try
27:17to sell books to you
27:19before Sergei Lukyanenko occupies this room
27:32Paolo Attivissimo: I'm sorry it's not one of yours
27:34it's just for mister Quaglia's book
27:36about 911
27:37Attivissimo: I',m having such a good time
27:39i don't want to introduce such a grim subject
27:43I find it very funny actually
27:45Attivissimo: 3000 people might not agree with you, never mind
27:48more people die every week end
27:55Attivissimo: is this...
27:57this is the first edition I think
27:59the second is out now
28:02Attivissimo: I'm trying to figure out if this is meant seriously or not
28:07this is YOUR problem
28:11it's really definetly your problem
28:15I cannot think for you, so...
28:17usually I suggest - there is an invention
28:20called "brain"
28:21which mankind evolved in millions of years
28:25and if I would tell you
28:26either it's for joke or it's for serious
28:30this would not help you
28:31because I could lie, first
28:33second, I could be wrong
28:37so I can only suggest "brain"
28:40it's very useless usually
28:41because the brain produces
28:43a lot of un-creative mistakes
28:46and other shit
28:48BUT, however, now and then, by mistake and/or poetry
28:53brain can be slightly aesthetically useful
28:58in this case to understand
28:59if it was for joke or for true
29:02but is there a difference?
29:04Attivissimo: yes, I think there is
29:07I am afraid there is not, but
29:08that's my opinion of today
29:10probably when I'm in a more grim mood
29:12I may think like you
29:15Attivissimo: OK, but I'm not grim, I enjoy myself
29:19But which language do you talk usually, Italian?
29:22Attivissimo: British
29:23and you bought it in Italian, so can you read it?
29:25this is a tecnical question
29:26Attivissimo: Yes, I'm a translator
29:29that's good
29:30you are allowed to translate it into English if you want
29:32Attivissimo: I wish I'd get paid
29:34you will be paid in bullets - not from me, of course
29:39very dangerous
29:42Attivissimo: but anyway, thanks for answering my question
29:44I've not been serious in my answer
29:46even though I've been
29:50I mean, everything is always it's opposite
29:51and it's wrong
29:52this is correct
29:53because you will discover in the book that
29:55there is the stupid C.I.A.
29:57and the clever C.I.A.
30:00in this book
30:00that book
30:01that has connections with that book also
30:04but there are also the stupid Al Qaida
30:07and the clever Al Qaida
30:09in this book we try to
30:10distinguish by spelling the name
30:12of Al Qaida slighly differently
30:15in different stories
30:17by accident
30:18however, the explanation is that
30:21these represent the clever Al Qaida
30:23and the stupid Al Qaeda
30:26usually we spell the name C.I.A
30:29at the same way
30:32to confuse you
30:33Attivissimo: I am sorry...
30:35and for plausible deniability
30:38this is also why
30:40in the real world
30:42is not spelled correctly
30:45as it is in this book
30:48with an added "a" between "M" and "c"
30:53Attivissimo: Thank you for confusing me very much
30:55I hope I've confused also all the audience
30:57because this is our purpose in life
30:59and mission
31:01confusion and illumination
31:03Attivissimo: I'm very [unaudible], thank you
31:06thank you very much
31:07somebody understood about which book
31:09he was talking about?
31:12because, you and I - or we - know
31:17but those don't
31:19but you can go there and buy it
31:20so that you cannot understand it yourselves
31:27it's in the shop
31:29Elisabetta Vernier: have you ever considered
31:31videorecording your performances
31:33and to post them on youtube?
31:35We are doing that in this very moment
31:37Roberto constantly does this
31:40I try to do it also when I sleep
31:42I'm too lazy to watch it to see if it's true
31:45The only problem he does this in Romania
31:47which jumped from a peasant economy
31:50to a high technology economy
31:52so the broadband quality is so high
31:55it's impossible to SEE these videos
31:58in Western Europe
32:018 years ago I was paying 1 $ for 1 megabyte
32:04for transfer in Romania
32:06and now when I have uploaded things
32:09I can see them very well with my Romanian broadband
32:11since I've been living in Romania for a while
32:13for the same reason why Bruce Sterling
32:15is staying in Torino
32:19now I've discovered that the Romanian broadband
32:21is cheaper and faster
32:23than the one in the rest of Europe
32:26don't ask me why
32:32while MacDonald burghers are more expensive
32:36Bruce Sterling: so you are plannnig running any further
32:41we are already trying to write one story
32:43which is about the invention of money
32:46the problem is
32:47that the ideas which we had
32:49six months ago, four months ago
32:52which were surrealistic and crazy
32:54have been applied
32:55in the reality
32:57by the governments of the world
33:00we still have one idea
33:02which they have not thought about
33:05very very powerful
33:06and we cannot write it down
33:08as they will do it
33:10and more nonexistent money will be created
33:14to delay the collapse of civilization
33:17for 5 minutes
33:25put me a question in Hungarian
33:26in the original language
33:31Jun Miyazaki: I have a question
33:34Thank you Jun
33:36Jun Miyazaki: At which kind of question do you think?
33:39One in Hungarian
33:40and we will answer it
33:41or Japanese
33:44or a mix of both
33:47Jun Miyazaki: [speaking Hungarian or Japanese]
33:53Dragos Fofirca: Beautiful answer
33:56we have tried to make this
33:58the most pan-European book
34:02which has ever been produced
34:04and this is of course
34:06the spirit of Eurocon
34:07and why we come together every year
34:10and finally Roberto and I "insieme"
34:13have consumated becoming together
34:17of "fantascienza europea"
34:22there is also a story in San Marino
34:24500 Brigitte Bardot clones
34:28mister Lally
34:30Lally: (speaking Irish)
34:34the publicity for this book has two sides
34:36one is text
34:38but the other side is the young lady in the state of undressed
34:41Ian: this is very important
34:42Lally: I guess I have to ask
34:43how was this young lady paid and
34:45does her husband know?
34:47Roberto: you think only about money
34:49This mister Lally is a secret
34:51we have been asked during this week-end
34:54many times
34:55for telephone numbers
35:00this is a secret
35:03only the world of my beloved
35:06can produce an advertising campaign
35:09of such magnificence
35:12as we have produced
35:14in broadband also
35:16when it becomes viewable in western Europe
35:21everything can be watched actually on the website
35:27yes but not yet
35:30well, either you can allow yourself Romanian broadband
35:35there is a question
35:37(someone speaking in Russian)
35:41Roberto: "конечно"
35:52(someone speaking in Russian)
35:54Roberto: "не знаю"
36:02there's another question from Bruce
36:05Bruce: as far as there are any previous collaborating teams
36:11well we don't know, there's why we ask
36:13Bruce: [first inaudible], Pohl & Cornbluth...
36:15they were all of the same language
36:16they speak the same language
36:19so actually the interesting thing is the
36:20difficulty of different mother languages
36:22and possibly also ways of thinking
36:27given the completely different roots
36:32Dragos: [inaudible]
36:38what do you mean?
36:40Dragos, what do you mean?
36:42Dragos: I’m not meaning
36:47Speaking about different mother languages
36:51what's about your father languages
36:53or similar languages
36:56this is interesting psychologically
36:58which countries have mother languages
37:01and which countries have father languages
37:05probably this explains a lot of history
37:11I think Roberto has a mother language
37:15do you have a mother or a father..
37:16NO, he has both
37:18because half of him is German
37:20and the other half is Italian
37:23and I have other pieces
37:25which have intruded meanwhile
37:29I think that we should slowly
37:30start to sell books
37:33in 5 minutes we'll have to leave
37:36there's a question
37:38Anastasia: Interactions in two languages are...
37:41[speaks in Russian]
37:45Roberto "это слишком быстро"
37:47Ian: "нет"
37:50Anastasia: do you want to write a book
37:52in collaboration with a Russian writer?
37:57The point is that
37:58decisions don't exist
38:01only things can happen
38:03this means
38:05the big difference between
38:06DECIDING to write a book
38:08and WRITING a book in collaboration
38:10is the same difference that we have
38:11between sex and love
38:13this means that
38:14sex - you can organise it
38:16love - you can not organise it
38:17it happens or it doesn't happen
38:19so, either creative resonance happens
38:21between two or more people
38:24which is one of the miracles of nature
38:26or it doesn't happen
38:27you cannot plan it
38:28if you plan it
38:29you execute a project
38:31it's something else
38:32and probably the results
38:33will be less interesting
38:35in my personal view
38:36so you cannot plan
38:37"I wish this will happen"
38:38it's not something that happens often
38:40like love
38:42which is something that...
38:46I hope I've answered in a way
38:49"per sempre insieme"
38:53I've told you he is very romantic
38:55we don't have books for all
38:58so you will have to fight
39:00one against the other
39:01perhaps these books will be burn
39:03by the New Inquisition
39:05of the political correct
39:06that very soon will make our book
39:10by accusing us of the modern crimes of
39:15harassment or pedophilia or both
39:18political correctness is worse
39:22Okay, huh, we should stop now
39:25and encourage people to buy
39:27copies of book
39:28which I should explain
39:30is slightly more expensive in euros
39:35because we had to send (perché¨ abbiamo dovuto mandare)
39:39the copies from England (gli esemplari da Inghilterra)
39:42which was very expensive (che costava molto caro)
39:45yes, the actual price is 15 euros
39:50Oh, yes, fifteen today
39:58a special discount for people who buy many books
40:02Can we pay in Sterling? (voice of Martin Hoare)
40:04"Sterlina" yes, in Bradford
40:06In two weeks in Bradford
40:16This is very good!