"Marwolaeth Arglwydd" - Hollow Cycle

  • il y a 14 ans
Marwolaeth arglwydd veut dire "death lord", écrit en langue Galloise. J'ai préféré l'écrire dans cette langue étant donné que ça fait "plus joli" que la forme anglaise un peu kikoolesque sur les bords x) Morceau typique de Black Industrial Metal, oreilles sensibles s'abstenir (:


You are so much pityful
you have no respect for me
I will show you how to die
You cannot resist me

Do you remember last year?
That precise date when the day falled (lolz la faute...)
Do you remember me?
I was the one who brought you death

It was a long night
The rain was heavy
And storm was the only light
That made you lead to me

Fear my Anger
Fear my Hate
Fear my Faith
And Fear my Doom

You will never see your homeland again.

You approched me and asked
To fight for you in your war
And despite you tried everything
You managed to sign your death

You took the way back home
You started to feel ill
As you looked behind
You saw glowing eyes in the dark

Fear my Anger
Fear my Hate
Fear my Faith
And Fear my Doom

You will never see your homeland again.

Torn with your feelings
You tried to run away
The red-eyed wolves got you
And you felt blood in your mouth

Then you prayed your god
But your god was too busy
As you were being eaten
You saw my blade cut your throat.

Fear my Anger
Fear my Hate
Fear my Faith
And Fear my Doom

You will never see your homeland again.

No one can defeat me
And No one can feel me
No one can rule me
And No one can kill me

I'm your Death
I'm your last breath
I can't obey you
But You must obey me

I will choose your destiny
And you cannot deny me
If you do I will kill you
These are the fucking rules

So try to keep a low profile
And don't beg me to change your life
I am the king of Death
and you are my pawn.

Fear my Anger
Fear my Hate
Fear my Faith
And Fear my Doom

You will never see your homeland again.

The Story ends here....

