One24 Compensation Plan income (video 2)

  • 14 years ago

Is One24 a scam? Find out the truth about the compensation plan based on a linear line, commissions earned & see video training to find out for yourself.

One24 is a network marketing based business opportunity in the health and wellness industry that has currently launched. One24 has one product a multivitamin powder mix supplement and the cost of starting you opportunity will be a $60 dollar a month autoship. The compensation plan with One24 is based on a linear line and commission earned on retail sales of the product through autoship and the business volume (BV) of those recruited into the network marketing opportunity itself. One24 is a legitimate business opportunity that some should find success with given solid Internet marketing, solid mentorship from upline and massive action.

Mark Seyforth a pioneer in his industry is launching a completely new kind of company called an IRP. This revolutionary new business model is designed to help everyone succeed.