NES Goonies, The in 02:34.03 by Randil

  • il y a 14 ans

The few players who have seen this game know that it's an evanescent one. An average speedrun might achieve a time such as 6 minutes. A 5 minute record is an excellent time for speedruns of this game, but requires a lot of luck.
But here we have a movie that is 50% faster than even that!
A long time has passed since the last improvement to this speedrun, and the frame fights between Phil and Walker Boh had almost been forgotten. Now Randil joins the fight, and beats the previous run by 48 frames, "thanks to better luck manipulation and some improved movements".

This is a tool-assisted speedrun, made on an emulator, using frame-by-frame shooting, savestates, and rerecords to overcome reaction time and human error. As such, it is purely a form of entertainment, and is not designed to show skill.
