• il y a 15 ans
This (/ideo authorised by all public for dawnload.
_ Web Site : http://petroleonline.unblog.fr
_____ This (/idéo contains a scientific Secrets never known before by sciences - till Octobre 23 th 2010 the date ()f revelation - and Are explained across the video in three(3) languages - (1)- Arabic -(2)- Frensh -(3)- English.
____Each oilfield in the whole world " has " a layer ()f magma " as a geoligical source ()f heat and pressure .This magma is a giant point and fondamental and essencial " factor" of " Geologic oil system" - This layer ()f magma ,more its size is srength ,more the geothermal and pressure are giant and strong .
____Nota : ()ther Secret : When the size ()f magma under " layer of " kerogen" is high . -Ex : 50 meters .-. the size of " kerogen" will be authomatically near 50 meters or little more than 50 meters. The strength of " " KEROGEN and MAGMA are proprtionally parallel.


