Based on the unforgettable story “Jolene: A Life” by one of America’s most celebrated writers, E.L. Doctorow (Ragtime, Billy Bathgate), Jolene is the provocative tale of a young girl who, after surviving a series of abusive foster homes, marries a less-than-adequate young man for a short time to escape her situation. The film follows her on a ten-year journey across America – from rural South Carolina to Phoenix to Las Vegas, then to Tulsa and finally Hollywood in her pursuit of love and independence. From age fifteen to twenty-five, Jolene overcomes a myriad of adversity, surviving five defining chapters and threading herself through the lives of others and then finally finding her own path in life. Moving from state to state, from the hope of each new relationship to its inevitable downfall, Jolene's is a story of a survivor whose will and zest shine through against all odds.
Short film