High School Football Logo Using Sure Cuts A Lot


by allaboutvinyl

http://www.allaboutvinyl.com In this tutorial we use Sure Cuts a Lot 2 to design a vinyl sticker that will be cut out using a Cricut machine. We demonstrate how to use the selection tool and how to break apart objects and how to group them back together. We also show how easy it is to type letters using SCAL 2. Alright to get started lets go down to the shapes library and choose the fall menu. Then were going to grab a football and well just click it and there it is. Now a few quick notes about the selection tool which is right here in SCAL 2. These three move the object-this one only up and down, this one only side to side and this one does both. The two on these corners will allow you to rotate the object freely. And if you wish to rotate it exactly 45 degrees you can do that right over here in the properties menu. And the other three will resize the object. This one stretches to the right and this one stretches down. The bottom one here will stretch both ways. If you come select the keep proportions box with the object selected, it will stay the same when you stretch it. Okay, now that we have the football how we want it, I’m going to type KNIGHTS using the type tool. You can use the font table and for some things it may work better, but generally it is just easier to type than click the letters individually. So I’ll go ahead and type KNIGHTS. I’m going to keep the proportions and Ill adjust it just a little. Now, I would like to put it here but I want the laces moved up some. Right now when we select the object we get the whole thing. So what we need to do is to break it apart. Now with it broken apart we can select just the laces and move them up. I’ll use the vertical arrow so it stays centered on the football. You have to remember when you break things apart that they are no longer one object. So if I select and move the football now, it only moves this. So I’ll go ahead and undo that. And now that we have the laces where we want them, we can select it all and go back in to group it all back ...