Halo 3 Montage :: DEFAULT :: (100% MLG)

  • il y a 14 ans
So here I present to you all Default's Halo 3 montage. Some background information first; Default (Kyle) has been my best friend for 6 years and counting, and he's one of the first people to get me into halo and editing in general. He's been getting amazing clips and since I can remember, he's wanted me to edit him a tage. I started working on this last month on and off, only when he came over to my house with his hard drive so I could cap his clips. His clips are flipping amazing, all MLG gameplay, mostly level 50, and also a clip on Ace, a Halo 3 Pro.The montage also has smooth editing, a chill song, and awesome HD quality. We are both really excited to finally release this, and I am proud of what I've done. Kyle, I love you man, and you're the greatest friend ever. Enjoy! -SunShiine
