Keeping Up With The Now Revolution

  • 14 years ago
Businesses have encountered and adjusted to many changes in communication over time. Although social media is one of the biggest shifts in communication, businesses are having a harder time implementing it. According to Amber Naslund of Radian6, businesses have integrated the telephone, fax machine, and email, but have yet to fully embrace social media.

“We’re a little obsessed with the tools themselves instead of just the notion of what they do,” says Naslund.

Businesses also struggle with the real-time aspect of social media. They are not used to the fact that they need to raise their standards and keep up with the speed of “now.” In order for a business to be effective in real-time, Naslund believes that it starts internally. As she puts it, today, every employee has to be a marketer and every customer is a potential reporter.

Incidentally, all these topics are discussed in Naslund’s new book, The Now Revolution. It details the 7 different shifts that businesses