Happy News: The Drill Whisperer

  • 14 years ago
http://www.ThisJustZen.com The world rejoiced when 33 miners in Chile were rescued after being trapped in a mining shaft for 69 days. Now Meet the Drill Whipserer, a man who helped drill their escape hatch to freedom and the amazing technique he used to feel his way down to the miners. When the Chilean government realized that the mining company itself was ill equipped to stage a rescue, they called in the big guns…or in this case, the big drill. One minute Jeff Hart was drilling wells in Afghanistan for the US army, the next he was being flown to Chile to drill a hole into the earth in hopes of reaching the trapped miners. One of 3 simultaneous drilling operations, Hart was hired for his command of the t-130 drill but what he also brought was his gifted knack in “feeling” where the drill was. All the miners are themselves heroes, but they had an angel from above named Jeff Hart. Distributed by Tubemogul.
