Mark Warren Jacques - I'm Here Now Gallery Hijinks solo show

  • 14 years ago I spent a short afternoon with my friend Mark Warren Jacques to talk about his upcoming show at Gallery Hijinks titled "I'm Here Now". Join me as I interview mark about what influences his art and attempt to find out what "I'm Here Now" even means. Music written, preformed and recorded by Mark Warren Jacques. Extra special love to Tylor Bohlman ( for his help. Shout-outs to Jesse Chandler, The Gallery Hijinks Ladies, Casey Gray (, David Bayus ( and The New Brohemians. - Joe Lumbroso for More info on the show: Mark Warren Jacques—I’m Here Now October 16th 2010 to November 15th 2010 Opening: October 16th 2010, 6-10pm Gallery Hijinks presents I’m Here Now, a solo exhibition of new paintings and installation by Mark Warren Jacques. Please join us for the opening reception on October 16th, 2010 from 6-10pm. Mark Warren Jacques admittedly has an amorous disposition and this time he’s fallen in love with San Francisco. While embracing different cultures, ideals and perspectives he’s under- gone a metamorphosis in his painting, both conceptually and symbolically. I’m Here Now introduces a new collection of works inspired and created from this embraced artistic journey. Clean, fluid lines juxtaposed with bold geometric shapes may have been the artists most evident trait until now. This collection unveils a new direction in concept and theory for Jacques, incorporating form, figures and anatomy with his existing spectrum of symmetrical and organic shapes, unearthing a new dialogue for the viewer. Introspection of the mind, body and soul are divulged figuratively while remaining abstract. Bright colors cluster together with patterns and stark edges as elements of the natural world take form with bare boned foliage and starry constellations. This exhibition plays as both a cycle of self-assessment for the artist as well as a bold statement of place and time, Here ...
