StarCraft 2 Strategy - [P] Mothership Rush! - Step-by-Step

  • 14 years ago Learn new secret SC2 strategies Learn Step-by-Step how to execute this strategy! (9) Pylon (14) Gateway (15) Assimilator (19) Cybernetics Core (19) Assimilator (25) Warp Gate Research (26) Stargate (29) Gateway (33) Fleet Beacon (43) Mothership! - Try this every game, it can't lose! Just kidding...this is a fun only strategy and is very susceptible to any early pressure. - Be sure you scout your opponent. If you see early pressure coming, ABORT MISSION, and prepare to defend. - Once your Fleet Beacon is close to finishing, be sure you have plenty of Nexus energy saved up to chrono boost your Mothership. Thanks to ForceSC2Strategy for this great video!
