Keeping Drivers Eyes on the Road

  • 14 years ago
General Motors Designs Dashboards that help Eliminate High-Tech Distractions

Distracted driving is a growing problem on America’s roads, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. With the increased use of high-tech devices in cars today, both embedded and portable, texting and chatting behind the wheel is on the rise. So how can automakers help reduce the risks and keep drivers connected?

At the Human Machine Interface lab in General Motor’s Technical Center outside of Detroit, engineers are using virtual testing to reinvent the dashboard. Eye tracking systems monitor where and how often a driver takes their eye off of the road and into the car. Using this information General Motors engineers can design and in some cases re-design multi-media systems with both safety and accessibility in mind.

By making the systems more efficient, drivers can stay connected while keeping their eyes on the road and their hands on the wheel.
