Better Than Her Remix - Audio Imagery & Matisse

  • 14 years ago PJ from Centre County's B94.5 put me on to a new artist named Matisse. She is sexy, a wonderful singer with a single that is HOT. I couldn't stop listening to it... so of course we had to do it. Here is the official Audio Imagery remix of the new song by Matisse. All the music was performed by Audio Imagery - All we do is make hits. Verse: But What about my Baby But you are making me crazy You might be better, better, better, better But I can't leave my girl Rap: I got a girl that I sorta kinda like So you can be my girl sorta on the side I'm sick with rhetoric call up the paramedics I'm a veteran you better get up on it rightttttt Sike, you know I got a girl friend And yes you got me in a whirl whirl wind An yes if I was single we could mingle, Could tingle, under covers like a shingle cause you're hot hot hot hot hot hot Like a tamale Wanna rock, pop shots, ride my Denali, If you're Coke bottle I'll be the Mentos fresh maker make your body fizz Hm, you are kinda cute, and really convincing about what u wanna do So I guess I'll never really know if you're better unless I have you too, let's roll
