• 14 years ago

Pop singer, Lady Gaga, has spoken out about gay rights in the US military at a rally in Portland, Maine.

She wants the state's Republican senators to vote to repeal the military's 'Don't ask, don't tell' policy on gay people.

With a big American flag in the background, big dark glasses and a black suit, Lady Gaga held the rally near the University of Southern Maine campus, and delivered an impassioned appeal to end the ban on openly gay and lesbian military service members.

Gaga said: "If you are not committed to perform with excellence as a United States soldier because you don't believe in full equality, go home!

If you are not honorable enough to fight without prejudice, go home!

If you are not capable of keeping your oath to the armed forces to defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and I will bear true faith and allegiance to do the same- unless there is a gay soldier in my unit - then go home!"

The measure needs 60 votes, including at least one Republican, to move forward. Republican John McCain is thought to be looking to block the repeal.

Gaga called out Maine Republican Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins to join Democrats in an effort to override McCain and end the discriminatory law.

Gaga is best known for her eccentric outfits and hits such as Bad Romance, Paparazzi, Alejandro and Poker Face.
