• 15 years ago
The first half of my reconstruction of this missing episode, made using stills, video clips and the surviving soundtrack.

This video differs quite substantially from Loose Cannon's reconstruction, because the rediscovery of Day of Armageddon (the most recently recovered missing episode) has brought to light details that weren't known during the making of Loose Cannon's version. Firstly, Steven should be wearing a sling at the start of this episode. Furthermore, the complement of delegates differs: Sentreal (the tree-like alien with glowing eyes) is not present during Day of Armageddon, and Trantis lacks the facial fronds he had in Mission to the Unknown. I have done my best to maintain continuity with Day of Armageddon - though I do get Steven out of that troublesome sling during the first available scene change!

The complete soundtrack is available on CD from BBC Audio. Support the BBC releases!