• 14 years ago
My dog Colie''TUT''meeteng with a City orfan Cats,in Cartier"Titan. in luna Septembrie 2010,from Bucharest,Romania,Europa.

He lived 16 years (22.Iuni.1998/13.Mai.2014) and died on 13.Mai.2014 o'clock 21'35 "
result of stroke after an agonizing three days.
God rest his soul, Amen.

A trait 16 ani (22.Iuni.1998/13.Mai.2014) si sa stins pe 13.Mai.2014 la orele 21'35"
in urma unei congestii cerebrale,dupa o agonie de 3 zile.
Dumnezeu sa-L Odihneasca,AMIN.


