Russian landscape painter Arkhip Kuindzhi

  • 14 years ago
Morph animation "evening - nigth - morning"
Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi (or Arkhip Kuinji , Russian: Архип Иванович Куинджи, (January 27, 1842 (?) – July 24, 1910) - Russian landscape painter. In his mature period Kuindzhi aspired to transfer the most expressive on illumination of a condition of the nature. He applied composite receptions (high horizon, etc.), creating panoramic views. Using light effects and intense colors shown in main tones, he depicted the illusion of illumination........ Kuindzhi lectured at the St.Petersburg Academy of arts (Professor since 1892; professor-head of landscape workshop since 1894)... etc.
Music by Alicia7777777 (fragm)
