Students Protest Dam Project in Bhubaneswar, India

  • 14 years ago
Students in Orissa, India are protesting against a dam project on the Godavari River. The students claim many villages would be flooded.

College students are performing this play on the streets in India's eastern Bhubaneswar district as a protest against the Polavaram dam project.

The students are hoping the play will raise awareness among the local residents here in town.

[Bijay Kumar, Student]:
"Due to the Polavaram project, Orissa is facing a lot of problems. So we artists want to tell people that the Polavaram project should not happen."

According to the protesters, 25 villages would be lost under water.

[Arun Palore, Student]:
"We are staging this play to make the people of Orissa aware that they should also protest this project. We the people and our government should jointly urge the federal government to stop this."

But Orissa’s chief of state says none of the villages would be submerged.

The federal government says the dam project is a multipurpose scheme.

It will provide irrigation to 436,000 hectares, water supply to towns and hydro-electric power.