Pakistani Children Suprised for Muslim Festival

  • 14 years ago
Eid il Fitr - one of the two main Muslim festivals - is just around the corner.

But for over four million Pakistanis made homeless by floods, there will be no joy this year.

The once-prosperous town of Joora in northwest Pakistan is ruined.

As raging torrents swept through the town, sugar cane and maize crops were flattened.

The Eid clothes made by mothers for their children lie submerged in neck-deep mud.

But on Sunday, the children of the devastated village received a joyful surprise.

A group of volunteers turned up with new Eid clothes for them - sparkly satin suits for the girls, and shirts with embroidered collars for the boys.

"Eid is coming and we had no clothes. Now I have clothes for Eid. I am very happy."

One gift-bearer enjoyed seeing the children's faces light up.
"I never saw such a... Christmas, this smiling and this cheerment."

Eid preparations have been subdued throughout the country this year, due to spiralling prices, and also because many Pakistanis are donating their savings to flood relief.

Pakistan's prime minister and army chief have said they will spend the festival with flood victims.