Heavy Rains Flood Villages in Southern Mexico

  • 14 years ago
Torrential rainfall in southern Mexico has caused widespread flooding.

In the state of Oaxaca, the River of Dogs has overflowed its banks, affecting some 4,000 local residents.

Many homes have been damaged - the streets in this town have turned into rivers.

But life must go on -- resident Jose Luis Lopez delivers breakfast to a local security guard.

He fears that thieves may profit from the disaster.

[Jose Luis Lopez, Flood Victim]: (Spanish)
"Well, all of my brother's belongings got wet. We came here to drop off the breakfast for a guy who works there as security so no one goes in to steal anything."

The rains started two days ago, causing several other rivers in the vicinity of Oaxaca to also overflow.

Authorities have evacuated some 500 residents from areas at high risk of flooding.

Rains are expected to continue for the rest of the week.

Travis Brecher, Reuters