Jack Tweed wants to be best mates with Jade's boys

  • 14 years ago

Jack Tweed wants to play a part in the lives of Jade Goody's sons.

Speaking in an interview with The Sun newspaper, the troubled 23-year-old reportedly admits he has been 'foolish', but says he wants a chance to mend his ways and tell the boys he is not perfect but he will always love them.

Jack married Bobby and Freddie's mum, Jade, in February last year. The following month she died, after losing her battle with cervical cancer.

Initially Jack continued seeing her sons, but when he was charged with rape in September the children's father Jeff Brazier is said to have put a stop to the arrangement.

In April Jack was found not guilty. Now he hopes he might be able to at least speak to the boys on the phone.

He reportedly told The Sun: '' They used to call me their best mate and that's what I'd like to be, even if it's from a distance, just talking once a month on the telephone.''
