Control Groups Mastery [TTG] (Starcraft II Beginners Guide)

  • 14 years ago VISIT FOR PROFESSIONAL STARCRAFT STRATEGY GUIDE In this video I show beginning players how to setup and utilize effective control groups in Starcraft II Ignore: Starcraft 2 Starcraft II Control Groups Command Groups Strategy SC2 SC Zerg Protoss Terran Commentary Strategy Beginner Noob Starting Idra Blizzard Bnet quick match coppoerative ffa 1v1 2v2 3v3 4v4 tvt tvz tvp zvz zvt zvp pvt pvz pvp match ai coop marine zergling zealot marauder thor void ray dragoon templar stimpack concussive shot hellions tanks medivac mmm 6 pool ventrillo voice chat vikings raven lost temple scouting scout raven ghost SCV sentry tower tips tricks reaper TheThinkingGamer ThinkingGamer TTG Hotkeys 1v1 2v2 3v3 4v4 FFA Custom Game Gaming PC MAC Insane Very Hard build order commentary casting blizzard wow world of warcraft III
