Kids have Old Fashioned Fun with Czech Toys

  • 14 years ago
Back to the Czech Republic, where the Wallenstein Palace in Prague is hosting a special toy exhibition called “Czech Toys.” Let’s take a closer look at the display showing the evolution of Czech toys from the beginning of 19th century until today.

The Wallenstein Palace in Prague is currently the home of the Czech Senate, now it’s also the venue for a special toy exhibition called “Czech Toys.”

The oldest toys are made with wood and were made chiefly by fathers.

[Vaclav Kuráž, visitor]:
“There are so many toys on the market with military elements in them. Then they can't really stimulate a child's imagination. We - and our kids too - definitely prefer all those wooden toys that you can assemble and ride with.”

Miniatures of children's bedrooms for girls and wooden soldiers for boys all had had an educational nature.

[Petr Harnoc, Visitor]:
"These old toys fostered creativity and not only were they connected with nature, they were kind of practical too and you could even assemble something out of them. They just promoted children's creativity and I believe it’s good they are beginning to make their way into stores again."

Veronika Krestanova has come to see the exhibition with her daughter. We ask what toys she likes:

[Veronika Krestanová, Visitor]:
"It should develop aesthetics in a child, at the same time it should be pretty and make a child learn something."

Later on, art toys were produced to foster children's fantasy.

We ask some children for an interview but, understandably, are too busy playing to chat.
Mrs. Akiko Sekizawa from Japan visits Prague every year. She often comes across Czech toys through her work.

[Mrs. Akiko Sekizawa, Visitor]:
“I'm from Japan and translate children books from the Czech language, so I'm very close to toys. We Japanese have something similar but also something quite different, these toys are very nice. I'm not really familiar with the modern Czech toys but I feel right at home here.”

NTD, Czech Republic