North Korea Fires Artillery Rounds in the Yellow Sea

  • 14 years ago
Tension continue to grow between the two Koreas. In the latest incident, South Korea claims that the North fired shots near South Korean waters. Here's that story.

On Tuesday, South Korea has confirmed that North Korea on Monday fired artillery rounds near their tense maritime border.

Around 130 artillery shells were fired off North Korea's west coast, increasing tensions that were raised earlier this year by the sinking of a South Korean warship.

[Colonel Lee Boong-woo, South Korean Military]: (male, Korean)
"North Korea fired artillery rounds yesterday and it has been confirmed some of them landed one to two kilometers south of the sea border. Our military sent a warning to the North three times. Then there were no more provocations by North Korea."

The South Korean Defense Ministry says the dozen artillery rounds were fired from North Korea's west coast on Monday.

The South Korean military demanded via radio communications that the firing stop, and warned of action if it did not stop.

On the streets of Seoul, views were mixed on the firing.

[Kim Hae-kyung, Resident]: (female Korean) NO TITLE BAR
"I was quite surprised at the news yesterday. North Korea surprised me a few months ago (with the ship sinking incident) and again they have done something. I am worried about the state of our security."

Others are not concerned.

[Nam Ki-woong, Resident]: (male Korean)
"I don't think there will be a war soon. North Korea has done the same thing many times. I am not worried. It's just another thing North Korea has done."

Tension has mounted on the peninsula this year after the sinking of a South Korean warship, and a series of military drills by the U.S. and South Korea aimed at boosting deterrence against the North.

Over the weekend, ties were further strained by the detention of a South Korean fishing boat by a North Korean patrol.
