Day Trading - Unconventional Business Options

  • 14 years ago
'''►► - ''' What Is Day Trading? As a layman the term "Day Trading" might be foreign to us as we hardly hear about the term in our day to day life. This term refers to business transaction of buying and selling financial instruments within the same day and closes before the conventional trading market close. Those who participate in such trading are called active traders or day monger. Who Are Day monger Before advent of the electronic trading era, daytime trading used to be the exclusive reserve of employees of bank or investment firms who worked as specialists in equity investment and fund management. But with the electronic age taking over the world, this form of trading has caught up with at-home monger who are not necessary bank of other financial institution employees. Electronic and the Internet age has open a floodgate to those people who are not necessarily from the financial background but have a rudimentary knowledge of finance to work as day time trader. What Do They Trade In? Day monger often day-trade financial instruments such as 1. Stocks 2. Stock options 3. Currencies, 4. Many of future contracts like equity index futures, interest rate future and commodity futures. Regularity of Day Trading There are many styles within daytime trading: 1. Scalping is an intra-daytime technique that usually has the bob holding a position for a few minutes. 2. Shaving is a method which allows the monger to jump ahead by a tenth of a cent. 3. Full round trip (a buy and a sell order) is often completed in less than one second. Focus Of Day Traders Read below on the type of day monger: * Short Term Trading: Some day monger prefer short-term trading within the trading day that may last just a few minutes. Day traders may buy and sell many times in a trading daytime and may receive trading fee discounts from their broker for this trading volume. * Price Momentum: Yet there are other day traders who are interested on price momentum. * ...

