Alsetalokin´s OC_MPMM

  • vor 14 Jahren
Voice transcription:"Uh..Ok So this will be a demo of some of the characteristics of the OC MPMMs.
We can see that by gently moving any of these rotating stator.. sorry about the light.. moving these
rotating stator magnets just a little bit and if you're in the right spot they really take off. This one is the middle magnet over here. Here are the.. magnokinetic Judson dampers, the pulleys are for eventual friction testing. Ok now, it takes a couple of tries to get it started. What I'm gonna do is, spin the rotor clockwise by hand.. and then I'm gonna.. and we'll note that the stator magnets will spin gearwise, that is anti-clockwise Then I'm gonna stop this magnet and, spin it anti-gearwise and see if I can get it to synchronize. It takes.. several tries as you can see ok.. so we didn't quite catch it there. There it goes, ok now as you can see once that magnet starts spinning the assembly accelerates and uh.. just to show ya. Ok..well there ya go, little magnet is going 4200 RPM.
