To uncoil or unwind a rope.

  • il y a 9 ans
A rope may be supplied in two different forms:
1. Hanked:
The hanked rope is ready to use, and is the most practical because there is little that needs to
be done before its first use.
To unwrap the hank, the securing bands should be removed by hand, not by knife or scissors.
One person threads both arms through the hank, the other pulls it off and lays it loosely.
2. Rope on a reel:
Ropes are often delivered in long lengths on reels, and it may be necessary to cut off one or
several lengths of rope. Before this is done, it is necessary to unreel the rope
For this operation it is preferable to have two people
One threads a rod through the middle of the reel and holds it up by both ends while the other
pulls the rope off the rotating reel, laying it loose
NB: Before first use of a semi-static rope, it is necessary to pre-shrink it to reduce it to its true
working length. For this, it is preferable to soak and then dry the rope still on the reel, as this
stiffens it less