Step Into Your Season - 1B Crop Rotation -- Truth 4 Life

  • 14 years ago
Psalm 126: 5-6 & St. John 5:4 -- Pastor Spruill is teaching and sharing some insight into how God is a Cultivator. He improves, prepares & refines each individual to grow some astounding fruit. This is compared to a farmer and how they cultivate their land which sometimes includes crop rotation to increase the lands effectiveness and fertility!! In 1B he goes further into the concept of impotence which simply puts means unable to function as intended. Sadly to say their are many Christians walking around Saved, but Impotent. Thus they might not have a salvation threatening issue but they are very ineffective as a witness and for the Kingdom of God!!! Often we sit in Church for years but are very ineffective and our quality of life as an effective witness may be lacking. God is calling us to "STEP IN Our Season" and be impotent no more for He has given us a strong dose of Holy Ghost Fire to purge, refine & make things happen. “In 2010 It’s Time To Operate In … Full Potential!”
