07 Creation of Nature - Jagatguru Rampal Ji (English ...

  • 14 years ago
True Spiritual Knowledge - Auspicious Discourses of Jagatguru Rampal Ji Maharaj - http://www.jagatgururampalji.org NOTE: When God loving souls will watch this ‘Creation of Nature’ for the first time, they will feel that this is a baseless story. But on reading the evidences from all the holy true scriptures they will bite their fingers between their teeth that where was this authentic nectar-like knowledge hidden uptil now? Please keep watching with patience and keep this sacred knowledge safe. It will be useful for your next hundred and one generations. This true knowledge of creation of nature was delivered by the most worshippable Supreme God Kabir Ji (KavirDev) between year 1403 {when Venerable KavirDev (God Kabir) turned five in His leelamay body} and year 1518 {when KavirDev (God Kabir) went to Satlok with His body from Maghar}, approximately 600 years ago. Today the same truth is coming into light and the true Holy Scriptures of all the religions are its proof. This proves that the Purna Parmeshwar/Supreme God, the Creator of the whole universe, the Master of the lineage and the Omniscient God, is KavirDev (God Kabir) only, who appeared on a lotus flower in a pond named Lahar Tara in Kashi (Banaras) city. He wore a lesser bright human-like body over His real effulgent body and lived for 120 years, and after giving the authentic (Tatvagyan) knowledge about the nature created by Him, went to Satlok with His body. _________________ For more Information Please Visit: http://www.jagatgururampalji.org/nature.html Subsequent Videos at this Link: http://www.jagatgururampalji.org/videosatsang.html
