• hace 14 años

Malaria is a serious health threat in the World, mostly in Africa, where it has been
estimated that 90% of the world's cases occur (WHO, 2008). In Tanzania, close to
93% of the 34.4 million inhabitants are at risk of contracting the disease (PMI, 2005).
According to (Tanzania-Ministry of Health, 2008) the number of morbidity and
mortality among outpatient and inpatient admissions accounts for up to 40 percent.
The aim of this work is to generate useful spatial information to support decision
making concerning malaria control and monitoring in Tanzania.
Several multi-scale maps and graphics showing the most affected areas and
associated indicators which are favorable to mosquito densities through analyzed
data are shown, and suggestions focused on that analysis are given.
The results have shown that the households with bed nets for sleeping, those who are
spraying against malaria and those who are using insecticide mosquito bed nets are at
low risk of contracting malaria disease.
