Marvel comic heroes descend on London

  • 14 years ago

The Incredible Hulk, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Iron Man and other icons of the Marvel Universe will descend on London this summer and their super-hero headquarters will be Madam Tussauds.

Staff put the final touches on the museums latest exhibits this week - sharpening Wolverine's claws and polishing Iron Man's suit.

The exhibition features a mix of big screen and original comic book depictions of the Marvel characters. Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) stands alongside Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury, whereas Spider-Man appears in his more traditional comic art form.

Literally the biggest attraction in the collection, a towering four-and-a-half metre sculpture of the Incredible Hulk stands through the first two levels of the three floor exhibition.

And visitors have a chance to pose as heroes themselves, with interactive areas - like the chance to hang from the ceiling with Spidey, or fly over the skyline of London on a special video screen set-up.

The new exhibition is open to the public this summer.