Camerons move into 10 Downing Street

  • 14 years ago

David Cameron has moved into Number 10 Downing Street with his wife Samantha and family, more than two weeks after he became Prime Minister.

After enjoying a "last breakfast" on Thursday morning at his west London home, the family started moving boxes, furniture and belongings into vans.

Mr Cameron said in a radio interview: "We are moving in today. So we had the last breakfast at home this morning but I have got quite a lot of other meetings and things I've got to do at the same time."

Downing Street confirmed that the Camerons are initially moving into a flat in Number 10, but once the more spacious family quarters, with new upgraded kitchen, at Number 11 is ready, the family will move next door.

Asked if he would be selling his Notting Hill home, the Prime Minister joked: "I certainly won't be renting it to Miss Whiplash if that's what you mean."

Miss Whiplash was the professional name of a sex therapist revealed to have been renting a flat belonging to ex-chancellor Norman Lamont - for whom Mr Cameron worked as an adviser.
