Cameron wants "fresh start" to Scotland relations

  • 14 years ago

After meeting the leaders of the main Holyrood opposition parties, Mr Cameron has addressed an audience of MSPs, Holyrood staff and media in the Garden lobby of the Scottish Parliament building.

He said he wanted a "fresh start" in the relationship between Westminster and Scotland and pledged to appear before the Parliament once a year to answer questions.

Mr Cameron said : "However much we disagree about issues we should try to work together for the benefit of the whole of Scotland and the whole of the United Kingdom as well.

"I will never give ground on keeping our UK together."

The Prime Minister has pledged he would govern Scotland with "respect" and said: "I believe Scotland deserves that respect and I want to try to win Scotland's respect as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom."

He added: "If the Scottish Parliament would wish it I would appear at the SP every year to answer questions."

Cameron had avoided angry protests as he made his first visit to Scotland since becoming Prime Minister. Hundreds of noisy demonstrators had gathered to greet the newly installed PM on his arrival outside the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh.

But instead of entering through the Queensberry House entrance at Holyrood as expected, Mr Cameron went straight into the building via the underground car park. The move meant he avoided about 200 demonstrators gathered outside the main entrance, chanting anti-Tory slogans and carrying banners calling for an end to job cuts.
