Embracing the Dark Side - D (or Seeing Darkness Out There)

  • 14 years ago
4th Journal 2010-01-27 TRANSCRIPT: On Scribd - http://www.scribd.com/DeepPeace Intro: Embracing the dark. How are we doing? Are you beginning to get at least a little more comfortable with the overall idea of how any complete picture must contain both the light and the dark? That’s a good step to take, to just get comfortable with the idea. Actually, we don’t generally first see something dark within. We’re generally not able, at first, to own anything dark, so we first see it outside of the self, out there, in the world, in the friend, in someone else...and that’s fine. Nothing wrong with that. It’s just how things work. Actually, that’s a major part of the beauty of the world, the reason for its being in the first place: so we could see things externalized, first, and get a good grasp of them. So, who among us is not able to point at some exterior darkness, some horror outpictured on planet earth? The horrors of war are clear, as are the horrors of the way we treat animal life. These things can be seen. Notice, however, how we tend to want to look away. It is only the more mature among us that are able to look at these things, full on. They are grotesque, they are ghastly. So, let’s start with that. It’s sufficiently ‘out there’ and visible. Perhaps we have both the strength and the moral fortitude to look upon it. Oh, and don’t forget the vision, the higher vision, of how no picture is composed of only light or only dark. Remember the beauty, always, of the balance. That’s the thing. It will sustain us now, as we take a deeper look into the darkness. Remember, too, don’t be afraid. Nothing to fear here. It is simply that which is. Plus, by being external, being out at some distance from what we perceive as the self, it poses less danger, less threat to the being, to our sense of self. This, again, is the beauty of the world, of the creation: the ability it gives us to examine things, as if they are outside of the self...