• 15 years ago
TE dni je minilo že 50. let, (glej datum, ki piše na koncu videa) kar, ženin in nevesta, utrgala prežlahten sta cvet. odkar sta pred bogom svoj zakon sklenila, ljubezen do zdaj njiju ni zapustila. moči vse v zakonu od sebe sta dala, saj skupno življenje vse prej je kot šala. za svoje otroke lep dom sta zgradila, ljubezen jim starševsko sta podarila. draga tončka in ludvik bodita še naprej srečna..
Those days have passed 50th years (see the date written on the end of the video) which, the groom and the bride, were flower utrgala prežlahten. Since the law before our God decided to love them, not leaving now. All-in-law can inadvertently have provided, since the common life is anything but a joke. for their children have built a beautiful home, parental love is a gift from them. Tončka expensive and Ludvik to Be happy ..

