Te dni nazaj sem sem mudila na razstavi v Žireh. Neprecenljivo vrednost bogate dediščine sem videla. Pridne roke so sklekljale v čipkah vse grbe in zastave Evropske unije. Nič koliko ur je bilo vloženega nam je povedala prav simpatična gospa. Izdali so knjigo Evropa v čipki. V njej je veliko zapisanega in videnega. Članom društva Cvetke so se letos končno uresničile želje po zaščiti tako imenovane Čipke dežele Kranjske. Svoje veselje sem tudi jaz strnila v svojih besedah in slikah, kateri so prikazani v tem videu..
These days I ago I visited the exhibition in Žireh. Rich heritage of inestimable value I saw. Good hands in lace and lace all the bosses of the European Union flag. Nothing much time was invested told us just a nice lady. They have the book Europe in the lace. It is much written and the seen. The members of the Society of Flowers this year finally come true desire to protect the so-called Lace Carniola. Their joy I also consolidated in its own words and pictures..
These days I ago I visited the exhibition in Žireh. Rich heritage of inestimable value I saw. Good hands in lace and lace all the bosses of the European Union flag. Nothing much time was invested told us just a nice lady. They have the book Europe in the lace. It is much written and the seen. The members of the Society of Flowers this year finally come true desire to protect the so-called Lace Carniola. Their joy I also consolidated in its own words and pictures..