Graffiti art mural and workshop provider

  • 14 years ago
Graffiti Art workshops, murals and courses UK.

If you want young people to get involved in art workshops, even those who would normally snub art. Or if you need to develop a piece of art that represents your centre or school, or to brighten up a part of your building, Graffiti art workshops are perfect for you. You will get a professional, trained and experienced artist, who can tutor your class, step by step, starting with lettering, and moving on to characters and more abstract forms. We can use a Graffiti Art workshop to embody a message or ethos that you want to get across; citizenship, anti-drugs, or social inclusion for example. Workshops can be done indoors without the use of spray paints. Graffiti murals are a great community art form, and we have created bespoke mild graffiti style pieces in Manchester, Liverpool, Widnes, Runcorn, London and Birmingham.

For graffiti art courses, workshops and murals.

For more information contact us on 0845 481 1920 TODAY!
