Health "reform" FAIL, Medicare FAIL, Everything's great..NOT

  • 14 years ago
The Stench of Truth (312).mp4 Some profanity, but not excessive, so be advised. Sorry for the length of the video but when I get on a roll it's hard to stop under 10 minutes. Study shows NO SURPRISE, Obamacare will INCREASE healthcare costs not decrease them. It means more cost for the economy and the consumer. The cuts to Medicare are more drastic than advertised as it seems more providers will opt out of a system that doesn't pay them enough for their service. AND there will be a DEATH PANEL. A commission to determine appropriate and cost effective treatments which will lead to exactly what I was saying and what has been denied over and again, namely RATIONING of care. If bureaucrats can decide what is and is not effective they can say when and if you get treatment regardless of need. G20 says all is well, housing sales are up as well as orders for durable goods. You notice how to support this nonsense the media says nothing for days about the continued joblessness and foreclosure menace? New bombings in Iraq because of another "top Al Queda" person killed. How many is that now? They are boogeymen that can appear in a puff of smoke and vanish just as fast. They're everywhere!!! Obama dances a jig for Wall Street to tout his financial reform nonsense.
