Make Cheap Magnetic Power Generator For Free Energy 1

  • 14 years ago - Make Cheap Magnetic Power Generator For Free Energy 1- Magnetic power generator is the latest buzz word among those who are always on the lookout for producing free energy. Many people even doubt if it is really possible to produce free energy. Yes; this is exactly what magnetic generators are all about. In fact it is easier and cheaper than most other methods of producing free electricity. Magnetic generators are much more efficient than solar power cells and wind energy generators. However it has not yet become very popular because of lack of awareness about it. Moreover this seems to be a threat to power supply companies because it has the potential to produce electricity free of cost. Homemade magnetic generator is a possibility now. Not only is it very easy to make magnetic generator but also does not cost a fortune. You do not require any technical expertise to make it because DIY kits guide you in a step by step manner. Moreover it does not cost more than $200 if you want to power your whole house. Depending upon your energy requirements you can go for smaller versions which will cost even lesser. Benefits of homemade magnetic power generators o Almost zero maintenance after setting up the unit. It does not require any fuel. o No pollution, No noise or heat therefore you can install it anywhere in the house. It does not require too much space either. o No dependence on weather conditions. It can produce constant energy 24 hours a day. o You can not only save money on electricity bills but also make money by selling the extra energy to power companies. As mentioned above it is not dependent upon weather conditions, you can set it up anywhere. Be it sunny day outside or a cloudy weather; you need not worry about electricity. This simple device has the potential to eliminate your electricity bills. It will not be an exaggeration to say that in near future magnetic generators can replace traditional energy resources. So, would you like to produce free energy by setting up ...