AdSense for Content - How do I add link units to my page?

  • 14 years ago
AdSense for Content - How do I add link units to my page?

Step 1: Log in

Step 2: Click the “AdSense Setup” tab and choose "AdSense for content" as the product.

Step 3: Select the "link unit" radio button

Step 4: click "continue"

Step 5: From the "Format" drop-down list select a "link unit format"

Step 6: Choose the radio button for showing 4 or 5 links per unit

IF DESIRED - Select your "color palette" and "assign a channel" and "alternate ad" to your ad unit

Step 7: Once finished click "continue"

Step 8: Copy and paste ENTIRELY the ad code from the "Your AdSense Code" box into the source of your web pages.

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