Expo 2010 opens in Shanghai on May 1, 2010. The city fits the motto well: “Better City, Better Life”. How will cities have to develop in the future to deal with global growth? There is still much to be done in Shanghai before the Expo opens.Some ideas have run into problems regarding their technical feasibility, while the city of 20 million has itself posed some logistical challenges. MADE IN GERMANY takes a look at the mammoth project. In our four-part series, we take our viewers along to Shanghai and provide fascinating glimpses behind the scenes of Expo 2010. Our reporters Dagmar Zindel and Mabel Gundlach plunge into the bustling city beyond the brand-new Expo pavilions. Join us for a look at everyday life in the Chinese metropolis. Our series begins this week. MADE IN GERMANY shows the feverish preparations for Expo 2010.