Stealing Heather - Breathe Out

  • 14 years ago
Stealing Heather's new video, Breathe Out, from the album Your Mistake on AudioLot/Refugee.

Filmed in various locations throughout Los Angeles, director Chuck Adelman realized frontman Joshua Aaron's vision of the tested passion between two people who truly love each other but can't seem to live with or without the other. "You can love someone so deeply but be torn between the life you once knew and the life you currently share," Aaron explains. 'Breathe Out' represents the moment of pause we all so often need to contemplate our next move." The song's heroine finds herself reevaluating her current situation and the compromises she has made for love. The video concludes with her tossing out photographs that represent the life she left behind and heading towards an unknown destination to experience life on her own terms.
